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Work-package 6
Dissemination of results

The expected results of the COSIN Project are mainly scientific publications and software tools. In order to extend, as much as possible, the dissemination of such results, we considered different lines of action.
  • To organize Schools and Conferences on the topic of the project
  • To publish books and proceedings on the basic research produced by the project
  • To mantain the web site of the project
  • To find everyday-suitable applications for some of the most interesting results


Evolution and Structure of the Internet: A Statistical Physics Approach
Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Alessandro Vespignani


School on Models and Algorithms for the Web (Udine, June 17-22 2002)

SELF-STAR: International Workshop on Self-* Properties in Complex Information Systems (Bertinoro (Bologna), May 31-June 2 2004)


Midterm Conference (Roma, September 1-5 2003)


Basic course on growing networks given for the troiseme cicle the physique en la Suisse Romande, Lausanne November-December 2003