Network Data Sets

Protein Folding

Name Nodes Links Date Brief Description Source Citation
Beta3s 132168 249704 2003 Conformation space network of a 20 residue antiparallel beta-sheet peptide sampled by molecular dynamics simulations. Snapshots saved along the trajectory are grouped according to secondary structure into nodes of the network and the transitions between them are links. Caflisch group, University of Zurich F. Rao and A. Caflsich, J. Mol. Biol. 342, 299-306 (2004)

Beta3s reduced 1287 33813 2003 Reduced version of the network above. Only conformations that are visited at least 20 times during the simulation are considered in the building of the network. Caflisch group, University of Zurich F. Rao and A. Caflsich, J. Mol. Biol. 342, 299-306 (2004)


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